The Beaver Moon

This Full Moon on November 19th is referred to as the Beaver Moon. It is called this because around this time of the year, beavers would start to take shelter in their lodges and store food for the winter coming. It was also the time to trap beavers back in the fur trade days. We still call all the Full Moons by the name that originated from Native American terms they were given. They had meanings associated with each month's full moon. The November Full Moon is the Beaver Moon. What makes this special is that it has a partial lunar eclipse attached to it. This is the last lunar eclipse of 2021.


Full Moon Eclipse 

The Full Moon will land in Taurus on November 19, 2021. This full moon is also a partial lunar eclipse. Even though it is technically a "partial" eclipse, it is just 3% shy of being 100%. It also happens to be the longest lunar eclipse in the last 1000 years. It will last just over six hours from start to finish. The reason for this is the moon will be at the furthest point from Earth. This makes the process longer. The good news is that we will be able to see most of this eclipse in North America. It will take place at 3:57am so you may want to check it out the prior evening, on the 18th to see the beginnings of it. It can also be seen from South America, Australia, and parts of Europe and Asia. 


This Full Moon eclipse is will be followed by the last eclipse of 2021, a solar eclipse on December 4th. That is two eclipses in a matter of a few weeks. Not only that, but this is a follow up to the Taurus eclipse in May 2021 and there will be an eclipse in Taurus May 2022. This eclipse is actually part of a tetrad. This is four strong eclipses back to back. This is only partial, but like I said earlier, it is 97% a full on eclipse, so it can be considered a tetrad by many. What changes or revelations are being shown to you? What are you doing to change your life for the better? This is Scorpio season so transformations are a theme. The Moon is opposite Scorpio and at 27 degrees in Taurus. Not only this, but Mercury and Mars are also in Scorpio right along the Sun. 

November 19 and December 04 Eclipses 

This eclipse will open up a smaller picture of what is to come in 2022/23. There will also be eclipses in Scorpio and Taurus coming up next year. Whatever seeds are planted now will see the light coming up in 2022 so be intentional and pray for the change needed. The key is you must take actions to start that transformation process. The theme with Taurus is security, home, finances, and your self-worth. This is really a special time. You may feel clarity with your situations. Rest and relax and take it all in. Write in your journal and document what it is you are working on for 2022. Follow back up when December 4th rolls around and we have the solar eclipse. This will close out a cycle of Gemini and Sagittarius eclipses that have happened last year and earlier in 2021. This is a special Full Moon and it has ties to the past and the future. Deep dive into what it means to you! 


















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